We certified that our brands are environmentaly friendly.
Since the paper industry requires a lot of water and fiber, ecology plays an important role in Clairefontaine's corporate strategy. All paper pulp comes from forests certified for their environmentally-friendly management. Clairefontaine plays an active role in the development of French forests, managing several hundred hectares of fir and spruce trees in the Vosges. As for the paper mill itself, located in the Etival Clairefontaine region, it is still going strong 150 years after its creation. Autonomous for 80% of its electricity consumption, the mill also has its own biological water treatment facilities, and has been awarded a "Trophée de l'eau" by the French government.
Clairefontaine actively participates in the development of French forests
Water treatment
A pioneer in the biological treatment of water before it is returned to the river, Clairefontaine was awarded the "Trophée de l'Eau" in 1988 for its Rhine-Meuse spring.
Recycled products
Naturally, Clairefontaine notebooks are fully recyclable. Every stage in the product's life cycle is taken into account, from the selection of the wood through the manufacturing process to the finishing of the product.
Our paper production is controlled according to specific ecological criteria:
- Energy consumption, air pollutants and water use are reduced during paper manufacturing.
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous substances contained in inks, glues and other solutions are used to a limited extent.
- Systematic waste treatment is applied to collect reusable materials.
- Finished products are recyclable and made from renewable materials.
Global commitment
The Global Compact initiative (PACT) guarantees the ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
Few dates which transcribe our action:
- 1974 : Clairefontaine adapted the pH neutral to its paper production.
- 1981: Pioneer in a biological water treatment before it returning it to the river, Clairefontaine recived in 1988 « Water Trophee » for the Rhin-Meuse river source.
- 1985: Use of natural gas to supply its paper machines with vapor . The combustion allows to eliminate sulfur residues.
- 1992 : Implementing of the first unit with precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) by reusing the CO2 emitted by our boilers.
- Since 1994: Clairefontaine favors the use of recycled fibers (waste paper) through it production mill in Everbal.
- 1997: The factory is one of first ones to possess an installment of vapor and electricity cogeneration.
- 1999 : Start of the first unit of muds composting with the water-treatment plant to eliminate the nuisances of smell and aspect.
- 2001 : Thanks to the environmental protection means setted up Clairefontaine benefits from the international certification ISO 14001..
- 2002 : Clairefontaine makes every effort to gradually limit the emissio of volatile organic compounds and dangerous substances in ink, glues and other solutions which were used for the print. In 2008 the target have been reached at 90 %.
- 2005 : Paper pulps result exclusively from forests fully qualified for their environmental management (PEFC, FSC). This one favors the growth of trees and allows the carbon absorption.

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