The Clairefontaine signature
For over 165 years, one of our strengths has been the quality of our products. This quality is closely linked to the Clairefontaine brand. It is essential to always offer the best quality on the market in all segments.
A list of measures was set up:
First of all, the strict selection of our raw materials:
- resistant white paper pulp from sustainable forests, white carbonate and ultra-pure calcium-based quality additives
- incoming inspection and quality assurance partnerships with our suppliers.
- production resources (paper machines, converting) constantly upgraded to align quality, productivity and reduce natural waste.
- on-line capacity measurement and regulation systems to limit the variations inherent in any production process.
- paper tests on each reel produced, which are then analyzed by our quality control laboratory: visually, of course (paper appearance, any defects or imperfections), but also thanks to high-performance laboratory teams to measure characteristics such as :
- Mechanical (strength, tear, drop).
- Optical (whiteness or tint, opacity),
- Texture (grammage, thickness, rigidity, smoothness or roughness),
- Writing quality and printability (adhesion, permeability, stability when printed on a printer or copier), etc.
Secondly, by a precise analysis of the causes of any complaints or remarks made by our customers, and the implementation of corrective actions with verified effectiveness. By taking samples during the conversion of paper into reams, formats and reels in order to verify the quality of the cut paper to be packaged as our customers expect: good .... respect of dimensions, absence of cutting dust. Packaging is constantly evolving to protect and present paper better. Finally, it's through training and a commitment to quality that we'll be able to satisfy all our customers.
"The quality of all our products is measurable. We are uncompromising on the quality aspect of our production." says Michel Febvet, Sales Director of Papeteries de Clairefontaine.
In addition, we are constantly innovating. This enables us not only to meet the expectations of the market and our customers, but also to launch innovative new products: art papers, green papers, color papers, papers for high-speed printing. In 1997, Clairefontaine obtained ISO 9001 certification. Issued by an independent body, it certifies a quality management system. What's more, the quality standards set by Clairefontaine have become the benchmark for the European market.

And tomorrow?
The last few decades have seen a great evolution in paper printing, both in terms of technology and consumers' qualitative needs. As early as the 1970s, Clairefontaine was one of the pioneers of "xerography" paper. The widespread use of this technology gave rise to a new generation of office papers. With laser printing, a fundamental evolution is the generalization of color representation in both office and graphic arts. Inkjet printing is now part of our daily lives. It is used on most personal computers, but also on high-speed machines.
Which paper for tomorrow? For our customers? How to use them? On which machines?
This research is the result of frequent contacts with our customers, converting machine suppliers and technology watch printers. It is from this data that we draw up the identity card for the new paper. Together with our suppliers, we look for suitable materials, which are then tested in laboratory trials on experimental machines or in full-scale trials on paper machines. We call on the Centre Technique du Papier (CTP) to help us in our research. Once the paper has been defined, our laboratory and production teams ensure its quality and consistency. Our recent developments are examples of how market expectations and our strategy match up: Clairmail, a paper that consumes less material and energy; Dune, an environmental paper with no chlorine bleaching, dyeing or brightening agents; OCP Offset Color Printing, with its outstanding printability and whiteness. Egalité: a new paper concept composed of 50% "post-consumer" recycled fibers + 50% certified virgin fibers for the most sustainable management.